Skinners 2.0 Sock Shoes
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SKINNERS 2.0. Ultra-versatile, 4-in-1 patented minimalist footwear with a lightweight, weatherproof, yet durable design. Packed with a perforated insole, long-lasting polymer sole and functional fibers. Designed to keep up with you no matter what adventure you soak into.
經過團隊2年的研發,新一代Skinners正式面世。Skinners 2.0是一款四合一多功能的專利極簡鞋,兼備輕便、防水且耐用的特點。新一代更配有穿孔的鞋墊、耐久性高的聚合物鞋底和功能性纖維。無論您展開哪種冒險,Skinners 2.0都能跟上您的節奏。